26 August 2009

TREBLE CLEF: Jackson Browne on Red Rocks Tonight--Put Yourself in Harmony's Way

One of my muses is in town: Jackson Browne plays Red Rocks tonight.

Here's a link to my piece on Jackson Browne in The Denver Post, where you'll also find my multiple choice quiz about Seventies Rock.

Meanwhile, from today's entry on my Denver Flower and Gardening Examiner page,
here's an excerpt from a teaching that mentions music:

“The garden of your heart can be a riot of flowers in various colors; a symphony of music when blended together harmoniously, and when you bring forth the fruits of the spirit in loving tolerance and service towards all, in a forgiving and caring attitude, inspiring hope and confidence in others, and being a comforting presence in hours of need. It is so very important to be an island of peace in this confusing and perplexing world, where there are so many floundering souls seeking their way ‘home.'

To read the rest of this 11:11 teaching click through to my Denver Flower and Gardening Examiner page, where I've posted the entire teaching.

PHOTO BY COLLEEN SMITH Sorry, these red rocks pictured above are not
the Red Rocks in Morrison, Colorado. Instead, my amazing iPhone imagemaker captured this shot in Sedona last autumn. Sedona's gorgeous, too, but has no natural amphitheatre, to my knowledge, so in my opinion Red Rocks rocks and rules.

Support your local concert venues! One more thing I think I know for sure: There's no substitute for
live music.

Put yourself in harmony's way!


1 comment:

  1. quite beautiful...“The garden of your heart can be a riot of flowers in various colors; a symphony of music when blended together harmoniously, and when you bring forth the fruits of the spirit in loving tolerance and service towards all, in a forgiving and caring attitude, inspiring hope and confidence in others, and being a comforting presence in hours of need. It is so very important to be an island of peace in this confusing and perplexing world, where there are so many floundering souls seeking their way ‘home.'

    I can't seem to open the 'click here' though ~ as I did want to read more...

    Natashia M.


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