please drop by the following sites for a visit. I'd love to hear from you, so please do leave a comment, question, concern or even just an emoticon. =)
Just click on any of the colored links to travel to my main digital domains.
Friday Jones Publishing. This beautiful site includes a lot of background information about my novels, some beautiful William Morris/Arts & Crafts images, a hearty blog, photographs of stained glass, and bios of my collaborators--the Friday Jones Players.
• MY FIRST NOVEL: Friday Jones Publishing will release my first novel, GLASS HALO, which has its own website: GlassHaloNovel.com in addition to information found on FridayJonesPublishing.com. We're working like Friday dogs to get the novel on the press this month.
• MY EXAMINER.COM PAGE: I'm also semi-buried in my Denver Flower & Gardening Examiner page for Examiner.com where you'll find almost 500 green-thumb bluestocking posts and some gorgeous photography of my gardens and gardens I encounter in my travels or on assignments. This page includes flower-inspired fashion, practical tips, literary quotes, updates on events, and more.
• FACEBOOK: I went kicking and screaming into Facebook, dragged in by my young staff. Now I'm hooked. I post pretty much daily both on my own personal page--Colleen Smith--and on the Friday Jones Publishing fan page. The Friday Jones Publishing Facebook page includes posts about books, dogs, stained glass and more.
• THE DENVER POST: I'm writing books features (Click here for my story on Elizabeth Gilbert, author or EAT, PRAY, LOVE) for The Sunday Denver Post and gardening pieces for the Grow section in The Denver Post on Fridays. (Click here for my most recent feature on Henry Moore's sculpture at Denver Botanic Gardens.) If you're not in Denver, you might Google denverpost.com or just search "Denver Post by Colleen Smith." I've contributed to the Post for 15 years, but not all my articles are digitally archived.
• I'm also writing music reviews for Reverb, The Denver Post's music blog. (Click here for my review of Bruce Hornsby and the Noisemakers.)
• TWITTER: I even Tweet! I used to be wagyourtale--the registered trademark of Friday Jones Publishing. But now you can follow me at FJPublishing.
• Or look me up on LinkedIn!
And now you know why I call my life HamsterWheel.com.
Thanks for reading. And for writing: I'd love to hear from you.
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